Can You Use Puffy Paint on Your Face?
Puffy paints can undoubtedly add a great artistic vibe to your projects. You can create any texture or figures using the paint. Moreover, you can use the paint on any surface until the question clicks in your mind that is, can you use puffy paint on your face?

Well, puffy paints are surely a creative medium but certainly not usable on your face. Though the paint is non-toxic yet not suitable for use on the face.
However, puffy paint is versatile and you need to learn more about this. So, keep up with us till the end to know more about it.
Basics of Puffy Paint
When the topic is puffy paint, you can already imagine how fun it is to use it in arts and crafts. The paint is especially famous among kids and can easily be made at home.
The DIY of this paint is simple and only requires two ingredients of equal ratio that are shaving cream and glue. However, to bring your desired color you can add food color to it.
Nonetheless, you can also buy the paint in the market. It comes with round, inflated, small plastic balls. They are more like acrylic paint especially when you squirt it out of the tube or bottle.
But when the puffy paint dries you will notice differences. It will puff up creating a cloud-like structure when it dries. Featuring with a thin tip, the paint is great for making outlines and even writing words.
Surprisingly, the paint is suitable for working on any surface such as glass, wood, fabric, paper, canvas, and what not! Adding details to any kind of painting like abstract, matte, or portrait, puff paints offer different textures.
The paint is also likely to stay for about 5 days to a week. So, puffy paints are convincingly durable.
Can You Use Puffy Paint on Your Face?
As we have already said, you can use puffy paint on almost any surfaces you like. Even on fabric. On fabric, the paint will act permanent. But it is never suggested to use puffy paint on your face.
This paint works better on a flat surface. If you apply the paint to your face, it will create a make-up effect. Eventually, it will make your face puffier. But there are some side effects that are given below.
Irritation in Face
We have mentioned earlier that puffy paints are similar to acrylic paints. Most of the time they are made of acrylic resin. Thus, you just cannot apply them directly on your face. Any kind of paint contains several chemical components in them.
Thus, when you directly apply them on the skin, it might cause irritation. Again, if your skin is sensitive then the irritation might get severe.
Allergies and Other Health Issues
Generally, it is considered that water-based paints are non-toxic. It is to some extent true only when you are not applying them on the surface of your skin. For skin contact, puffy paints are not safe at all.
Also, the paint can cause allergies to your face. You might also feel a burning sensation. Again, if accidentally the paint goes into your eyes, the pain will be boundless.
Contains Formaldehyde
Commercial puffy paint might also include formaldehyde in it. This component is very common and found in almost any type of paint.
Still, they are labeled as non-toxic since they are never meant for application on the face. So, once you apply the paint to your face, the skin will absorb and inhale the formaldehyde. Consequently, it will cause serious problems to your health.
Gets Harden
Once you apply puffy paint on your face it becomes hardened with time. Eventually, it affects the elasticity of your face skin, creating a conflict. Sometimes, the paint might clog the pores in your face causing irritation or a burning sensation.
Later, you might also face problems cleaning the paint properly. Though, unlike other acrylic or latex paint, puffy paint is not stubborn. Yet, the ones that you get from the market can be stubborn at times.
So, even if you have applied it on your face make sure that you are removing it when it is still wet. Do not let the paint dry on your face completely. However, even if it gets dry, you can help yourself by using the washer and then dryer cycles.
Therefore, be it any type of paint, you should not apply them on your face. For being the paint of children, puffy paint might seem non-toxic. Yet, due to its lower toxicity, no one suggests them apply on the face.
Moreover, do not even think of applying oil-based paint on your face. Otherwise, removing it will be way tougher and the side effect will be beyond endurance.
Safe Paint to Use on Face
Rather than using other kinds of paints, it is always better to use the paint on your face that is specifically made for painting your face. These paints are water-based and best for face painting. Moreover, they are easy to remove after applying compared to any other type of paint.
Also, you will not feel any irritation after using these face paintings.
Can You Put Puffy Paint on Skin?
Well, you can put puffy paint on your skin but not on your face. However, a direct application might not be very wise to adopt. But puffy paints are less toxic. Then again, the initial reason you should not use any paint on your skin is its toxicity.
Puffy paint also contains toxic ingredients. Moreover, its acrylic-based thick coating will make our skin feel heavy. Also, your movement will be limited. However, the ingredients and the level of toxicity actually vary from brand to brand.
Again, in most cases, puffy paints are water-based. But some brands also offer versions of oil and even alcohol-based.
So, if you apply oil or alcohol-based puffy paint, then it will take longer to dry. But once it dries, your removing becomes tougher from the skin. Hence, no one suggests applying oil or alcohol-based paint on the skin directly.
Can You Get Puffy Paint in Your Eyes?
Yes, only when it is an accidental case. Otherwise, no one will ever want to get puffy paint in their eyes.
However, it can happen that puffy paint accidentally gets into your eyes or you accidentally swallow some while spraying.
Nonetheless, for being less toxic, primarily the paint will not be that hurtful. But if you allow the paint to stay for some time and then surely you will not feel good especially when it gets in your eyes.
Again, for most people, it will not cause that much harm. But people with sensitive organs and skin will feel the pain.
Is Puffy Paint Safe for Babies?
As we said, puffy paints can be elements of makeup products. But that too within a certain age. Of course, not any type of paint is good for babies be it even the puffy paint that is less toxic.
This paint does not guarantee you to protect the eyes and skin of your babies. In fact, the paint might cause other potential harm to your babies.
However, puffy paints are best for adults aged 18 or more. They can be creative with using the paint. However, 7- or 8-years old children can also be creative with the paint.
Again, some puffy paint comes with a label saying what age for it is to use. Hence, you can choose according to your age and choice.
What Can You Use Puffy Paint On?
You can use puffy paint on any plain surface. Be it a woody or metal surface. You can also apply it on glass, plastic or of course, canvas.
On anything, the paint will offer an abstract shape and nice texture. However, you should not apply the paint on fruit or vegetable surface. A flat surface is the best for this paint.
Learn How to Make Puffy Paint at Home:
Final Thoughts
So now that you know if you can use puffy paint on your face or not, you know your decision. Your face is undoubtedly a sensitive and delicate area. Moreover, you cannot risk your eyes. Hence, you better not use puffy paint on your face when it is not meant for face painting.
Thus, to make it more effective you can use paints specially manufactured for face painting. So, use your puffy paint on something that will be more creative!